2024 "Guardians Of The Galaxy"
EfM |
EfV |
EnsM |
EnsV |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Century HS - 9/21 |
13.24 |
14.32 |
14.86 |
14.34 |
70.83 |
14.12 |
14.02 |
2/6 |
- |
JMU POC - 10/5 |
Not MMBA |
79.6 |
- |
- |
2/11 |
- |
County Festival - 10/14 |
Rating of Excellent |
- |
Linganore HS - 10/26 |
16.54 |
15.92 |
16.64 |
16.60 |
82.93 |
17.04 |
17.32 |
2/7 |
- |
State Championship - 11/2 |
17.19 |
17.785 |
17.58 |
19.60 |
88.445 |
17.2 |
15.38 |
2/9 |
Best Visual Performance |
MMBA - Maryland Marching Band Association
2023 "James Bond"
EfM |
EfV |
EnsM |
EnsV |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
JMU POC - 10/7 |
Not MMBA |
84.03 |
- |
- |
1/9 |
- |
County Festival - 10/9 |
Rating of Superior |
- |
Westminster HS - 10/14 |
18.12 |
- |
17.72 |
- |
87.92 |
17.88 |
11.79 |
2/4 |
- |
Linganore HS - 10/21 |
16.9 |
17.12 |
17.66 |
17.06 |
85.67 |
18.14 |
15.72 |
1/3 |
- |
State Championship - 11/4 |
17.9 |
17.69 |
17.54 |
17.66 |
89.53 |
19 |
18.48 |
2/9 |
Best Color Guard |
MMBA - Maryland Marching Band Association
2022 "The Greatest Showman"
EfM |
EfV |
EnsM |
EnsV |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Westminster HS - 10/01 |
15.76 |
- |
16.64 |
- |
81.62 |
9.04 |
7.78 |
2/4 |
- |
Century HS - 9/21 |
16.48 |
16 |
16.48 |
14.92 |
80.72 |
8.82 |
8.02 |
1/2 |
- |
County Festival - 10/10 |
Rating of Superior |
- |
JMU POC - 10/19 |
Not MMBA |
87.48 |
- |
- |
5/12 |
- |
Linganore HS - 10/22 |
17.16 |
16.68 |
17.12 |
16.36 |
84.24 |
17.84 |
16 |
2/4 |
Best Color Guard |
State Championship - 11/6 |
17.34 |
17.94 |
17.08 |
17.16 |
85.84 |
16.68 |
15.96 |
2/7 |
Best Color Guard |
MMBA - Maryland Marching Band Association
2021 "Earth, Wind and Fire"
EfM |
EfV |
EnsM |
EnsV |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Damascus HS - 9/16 |
- |
Urbana HS - 10/2 |
14.3 |
14.7 |
13.9 |
14.5 |
72.5 |
7.9 |
7.2 |
6/7 |
- |
County Festival - 10/11 |
Rating of Superior |
- |
JMU POC - 10/16 |
Not MMBA |
83.7 |
- |
- |
6/8 |
- |
State Championship - 10/23 |
15.75 |
14.55 |
15.2 |
16.7 |
77.3 |
16.1 |
14.1 |
8/9 |
- |
MMBA - Maryland Marching Band Association
2020 "Latin"
Virtual Peformance
2019 "ABBA"
Click for schedule/results |
EM |
FM |
VA |
M |
V |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Urbana HS - 9/14 |
14.6 |
14 |
14.4 |
15.4 |
14.9 |
73.3 |
- |
- |
3/4 |
- |
Westminster HS - 10/12 |
14.9 |
16.3 |
15.3 |
15.8 |
15.6 |
77.9 |
- |
- |
2/2 |
- |
JMU POC - 10/19 |
Not MMBA |
70.9 |
- |
- |
2/10 |
- |
County Festival - 10/21 |
Rating of Superior |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
State Championship - 10/26 |
17.3 |
16.6 |
17.4 |
16.52 |
16.9 |
84.7 |
8.9 |
8.4 |
6/12 |
- |
MMBA - Maryland Marching Band Association
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Urbana HS - 9/15 |
30.3 |
29.8 |
29.7 |
30.7 |
75.5 |
28.7 |
28.7 |
1/1 |
All |
Century HS - 9/22 |
32.4 |
32 |
29.6 |
30 |
77.6 |
- |
- |
4/5 |
- |
Washington HS - 10/13 |
31.5 |
30.1 |
32 |
32.6 |
79.125 |
33.7 |
30.9 |
3/4 |
Dance, Effect |
JMU POC - 10/20 |
Not USBands |
64.8 |
- |
- |
2/10 |
Dance |
County Festival - 10/22 |
Rating of Excellent |
- |
Mid-Atlantic Regional - 11/3 |
34.9 |
36.4 |
36.4 |
35.2 |
89.725 |
36.1 |
36.1 |
2/3 |
Dance |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Urbana HS - 9/16 |
30.3 |
24 |
30.6 |
32 |
74.025 |
33.0 |
28.1 |
2/5 |
Effect, Dance |
Broadneck HS - 10/7 |
33.2 |
30.5 |
31.4 |
33.1 |
80.675 |
35.3 |
30.2 |
2/5 |
Visual, Dance, Effect |
County Festival - 10/16 |
Rating of Superior |
JMU POC - 10/21 |
Not USBands |
72.45 |
4/11 |
Marine Corps Inv. - 10/28 |
36 |
36.7 |
35.5 |
38 |
91.45 |
36.9 |
34.3 |
5/9 |
Mid-Atlantic Regional - 11/4 |
36.5 |
36.1 |
35.6 |
35.3 |
90.2625 |
34.3 |
34.7 |
4/8 |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
2016 "ALADDIN"
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Woodgrove HS - 9/17 |
30.4 |
29.6 |
29.4 |
30.2 |
74.95 |
31.9 |
29.7 |
2/2 |
Dance Line |
Annapolis - 10/01 |
34.4 |
33 |
31.6 |
33.4 |
83.15 |
34.2 |
30.8 |
4/11 |
Dance Line |
Urbana HS - 10/08 |
32.5 |
31.4 |
31.5 |
32.2 |
79.975 |
32.9 |
30.9 |
3/6 |
Dance Line, Overall Effect |
County Festival - 10/10 |
Rating of Excellent |
- |
Washington HS - 10/15 |
33.5 |
32.4 |
33.8 |
31.8 |
82.075 |
34.6 |
32.4 |
2/4 |
Dance Line, Overall Effect |
JMU POC - 10/22 |
Not USBands |
72.45 |
- |
13.2 |
2/9 |
Dance Line |
Towson - 10/29 |
35.5 |
34.9 |
34 |
34.95 |
87.288 |
35.2 |
35.4 |
6/13 |
- |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Woodgrove HS - 9/19 |
33.6 |
30.2 |
27.6 |
30.2 |
76.75 |
30.5 |
28.32 |
2/4 |
Dance Line |
Northwest HS - 10/3 (indoor) |
N/A |
32.4 |
30.2 |
32 |
78.5 |
- |
- |
1/3 |
Music |
Washington HS - 10/10 |
33.3 |
31.3 |
33.2 |
31.2 |
80.625 |
33.5 |
32 |
4/6 |
Dance Line |
County Festival - 10/12 |
Rating of SUPERIOR |
- |
JMU POC - 10/17 |
Not USBands |
62.4 |
- |
- |
12/16 |
- |
Paint Branch HS - 10/24 |
36.3 |
35.8 |
35.1 |
35.4 |
89.225 |
35.7 |
33 |
1/4 |
Visual |
Arundel HS - 10/31 |
35.2 |
33.6 |
34.6 |
36.6 |
87.95 |
36 |
31 |
3/5 |
Dance Line |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
2014 "CHICAGO"
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Northwest HS - 9/20 |
26.2 |
28.0 |
27.6 |
28.4 |
70.550 |
N/A |
N/A |
1/2 |
Music, Visual, Effect |
Reservoir HS - 10/11 |
31.9 |
33.1 |
32.9 |
33.5 |
82.05 |
N/A |
N/A |
2/3 |
Effect |
County Festival - 10/13 |
Rating of SUPERIOR |
- |
JMU POC - 10/18 |
Not USBands |
76.85 |
N/A |
N/A |
3/11 |
Dance Line |
Towson - 10/25 |
33.8 |
35.3 |
35.3 |
35.85 |
87.538 |
34.1 |
31.5 |
1/6 |
MD State Champion, Visual, Effect, Dance Line |
Annapolis - 11/1 |
33.0 |
32.3 |
33.8 |
33.25 |
82.738 |
35.2 |
32.6 |
7/8 |
- |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Century HS - 9/21 |
26.5 |
28.9 |
26.5 |
26.8 |
67.675 |
- |
- |
1/1 |
Music, Visual, Effect |
Watkins Mill HS - 10/05 |
30.2 |
27.9 |
29.1 |
28.9 |
72.825 |
- |
- |
1/3 |
Music, Visual, Effect |
Northwest HS 10/12 |
82.8 |
- |
- |
1/1 |
Music, Visual, Effect |
JMU POC - 10/19 |
Not USBands |
70.4 |
- |
- |
4/10 |
- |
County Festival - 10/21 |
Rating of SUPERIOR |
- |
Reservior HS - 10/26 |
32.4 |
32.8 |
32.8 |
32.6 |
81.55 |
- |
- |
2/4 |
- |
Annapolis - 11/2 |
34.4 |
33.6 |
35.1 |
34.1 |
85.725 |
37.1 |
32.9 |
3/8 |
Dance Line |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
2012 "The Civil War"
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Northwest HS - 9/22 |
26.6 |
27.4 |
28.3 |
26.9 |
68.4 |
- |
- |
1/3 |
Music, Visual |
Herndon HS - 9/29 |
28.3 |
28.4 |
28.4 |
28.3 |
70.85 |
28.2 |
27.7 |
1/4 |
- |
Watkins Mill HS - 10/13 |
36.3 |
33.6 |
33.1 |
32.7 |
85.1 |
- |
- |
1/2 |
Music, Visual, Effect |
County Festival - 10/15 |
Rating of SUPERIOR |
- |
JMU POC - 10/20 |
Not a USBands Show |
82.4 |
- |
- |
1/12 |
Dance Line, Effect |
Towson - 11/03 |
35 |
32.1 |
31.9 |
33.8 |
83.6 |
34.2 |
32.4 |
2/5 |
Dance Line |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
2011 "The Gridiron"
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Northwest HS - 9/17 |
27.0 |
26.8 |
26.9 |
26.4 |
66.9 |
- |
- |
1/3 |
Music, Visual, Effect |
Annapolis - 9/24 |
28.9 |
29.4 |
28.4 |
28.75 |
73.138 |
30.6 |
27.7 |
1/2 |
Music, Visual, Effect, Cologuard, Percussion |
Westminster HS - 10/01 |
29.5 |
31.0 |
30.5 |
28.9 |
74.55 |
32.6 |
28.4 |
1/2 |
Music, Visual, Effect, Colorguard, Percussion |
Towson - 10/15 |
29.7 |
35.2 |
31.5 |
31.8 |
79.475 |
33.6 |
29.4 |
2/6 |
Colorguard |
County Festival - 10/17 |
FCPS Marching Band Adjudication |
- |
JMU POC - 10/22 |
Not a USSBA Show |
74.7 |
6/13 |
- |
Reservoir HS - 11/02 |
86.8 |
1/1 |
Music, Visual, Effect, Colorguard, Percussion |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
2010 "Fantasmic!"
MP3s of Fantasmic! - Movement I, II, III, IV, V
Click for schedule/results |
VP |
IM |
EM |
OE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Northwest HS - 9/11 |
26.1 |
29.3 |
27 |
26.6 |
67.675 |
x |
x |
2/3 |
none |
Herndon HS - 9/25 |
28 |
26.6 |
27 |
28.125 |
68.913 |
28.7 |
28 |
3/3 |
none |
Annapolis - 10/2 - Video |
29.4 |
27.8 |
29 |
29.45 |
72.538 |
30.3 |
28.3 |
3/3 |
none |
Centennial HS - 10/9 |
30 |
30.1 |
29.3 |
30 |
74.7 |
x |
x |
1/1 |
All |
Towson - 10/16 |
31.9 |
32.8 |
30 |
33.1 |
80.15 |
32.2 |
30.2 |
2/2 |
none |
JMU POC - 10/23 |
Not a USSBA Show |
67.85 |
15.5 |
14.2 |
8/11 |
none |
National Championship - 11/5 |
34.9 |
35.2 |
34.7 |
34.5 |
87 |
33.2 |
33.8 |
17/17 |
none |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, OE - Overall Effect
Each caption is out of 40 points
Total = (VP x 0.75) + (IM x 0.5) + (EM x 0.5) + (OE x 0.75)
2009 "Malaguena"
2008 "The Incredibles "
Photos: Band Camp , Centennial, Annapolis, Calvert Hall, JMU, Allentown
Videos: Annapolis, Homecoming, JMU, Thriller
VP |
IM |
EM |
ME |
VE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Centennial - Indoor Show 9/26 |
27.3* |
29.4 |
31.5 |
28.9* |
72.65 |
- |
14.5 |
1/1 |
All |
Annapolis - 10/04 |
30 |
31.7 |
29.6 |
31.7* |
76.9 |
15.0 |
13.4 |
2/2 |
Dance Line |
Calvert Hall College HS - 10/11 |
32.5 |
32.8 |
31.8 |
33.5* |
81.8 |
15.4 |
15.3 |
2/6 |
None |
JMU Parade of Champions - 10/18 |
Not a USSBA Show |
70.55 |
- |
- |
1/15 |
Effect, Visual, Dance Line |
Allentown - 11/02 |
37.9 |
36.7 |
38.05 |
37.15 |
36.65 |
93.225 |
17.6 |
18.4 |
6/13 |
None |
National Championship- 11/07 |
36.4 |
36.55 |
35.65 |
37.15 |
36.5 |
91.125 |
18.3 |
18.4 |
13/19 |
None |
Ravens Stadium - 11/09 |
36.2 |
37.6 |
36.1 |
35.7 |
36.7 |
91.15 |
18.2 |
17.6 |
2/8 in Group
10/32 Overall |
Music |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, ME - Overall Effect, VE -Visual Effect
*Score is Overall Effect and has been adjusted for comparison |
2007 "The Divine Comedy"
Photos: Band Camp - Westminster - Herndon - Centennial - JMU - Annapolis - Raven's - More...
San Diego Holiday Bowl Results:
1st Place Parade (Best Effect and Best Marching)
1st Place Field Show (Best Effect, Best Marching, Best Drum Majors, Best Dance Line)
VP |
IM |
EM |
ME |
VE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Westminster Sept. 15 |
26.8 |
25.2 |
27.3 |
27 |
27.8 |
67.05 |
13.5 |
12.3 |
2/2 |
Best Effect - Best Percussion |
Northern VA Regional Sept. 29 |
29.2 |
31.6 |
30.1 |
29.9 |
29.1 |
74.95 |
13.8 |
13.3 |
3/3 |
Best Visual |
Centennial Oct. 6 |
32.2 |
33 |
32 |
31.1 |
29.9 |
79.1 |
16.6 |
15 |
1/2 |
Best Visual - Best Music - Best Effect - Best Percussion - Best Dance Line (Of Show!) |
JMU Oct. 20 |
Not a USSBA Show! |
71.5 |
n/a |
4/12 |
Best Dance Line |
Annapolis Nov. 3 |
33.5 |
32.8 |
34.2 |
34.4 |
35 |
85.05 |
18 |
16.9 |
1/1 |
National Championships (Baltimore) Nov. 16 |
35.8 |
37.35 |
36.95 |
35.95 |
35.3 |
90.675 |
19.2 |
17.4 |
5/10 |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, ME - Music Effect, VE - Visual Effect |
2006 "Las Vegas"
VP |
IM |
EM |
ME |
VE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Westminster |
- |
27.4 |
27.8 |
28.8 |
- |
70.06 |
- |
- |
2/2 |
- |
Giants |
31.9 |
31.3 |
30 |
31.7 |
32.8 |
78.85 |
16.3 |
12.1 |
1/5 |
Best Visual - Best Effect - Best Dance Line |
Not a USSBA Show |
71.25 |
- |
- |
3/13 |
- |
Annapolis |
34.6 |
32 |
34.3 |
31.8 |
31.8 |
82.25 |
15.6 |
15.8 |
3/5 |
- |
Hershey |
36.2 |
37.1 |
35.7 |
36.85 |
35.6 |
90.225 |
17.8 |
18.5 |
5/16 |
Marine "Esprit de Corp" Award |
National Championship |
36.35 |
36 |
35.9 |
36.8 |
36.2 |
90.625 |
17.8 |
17.6 |
8/11 |
- |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, ME - Music Effect, VE - Visual Effect |
2005 "Rhapsody In Blue"
Jacksonville, FL Gator Bowl Festival Results:
2nd Place in Field Show Competition (Best Drum Major)
1st Place in Parade
VP |
IM |
EM |
ME |
VE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Herndon, VA |
28.9 |
27.8 |
28 |
31.3 |
28.9 |
72.45 |
14.4 |
13.9 |
3 |
Best Visual |
Westminster |
31.3 |
30.7 |
31.2 |
30.4 |
31.6 |
77.6 |
16.15 |
14.95 |
4 |
- |
Hershey |
29.9 |
32.8 |
31.2 |
31.4 |
30.4 |
77.85 |
14.8 |
16.5 |
1 |
Best Visual - Best Music - Best Effect |
Raven's |
34.3 |
31.7 |
34.5 |
33.6 |
34.2 |
84.15 |
15.7 |
17.8 |
1 |
Hershey |
34.6 |
34.8 |
35.25 |
35.45 |
35.3 |
87.7 |
17.6 |
17.5 |
1 |
Best Visual - Best Effect - Best Dance Line |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, ME - Music Effect, VE - Visual Effect |
2004 "The Lion King"
VP |
IM |
EM |
ME |
VE |
Total |
Dance |
Perc. |
Place |
Caption Awards |
Greencastle |
27.8 |
26.8 |
24.8 |
27.6 |
24.4 |
65.7 |
12 |
9.65 |
2 |
Best Visual |
FSK High School |
29.2 |
29.4 |
29.6 |
29.6 |
31.1 |
74.45 |
15.45 |
13.8 |
1 |
Best Visual - Best Music - Best Effect - Best Dance Line - Best Drum Major |
Tri-State |
31.9 |
32.4 |
33.5 |
32 |
31.4 |
80.6 |
16 |
16.4 |
3 |
- |
Championships |
31.8 |
33.8 |
34 |
33.6 |
32.8 |
83 |
16.7 |
16.4 |
- |
- |
VP - Visual Performance, IM - Individual Music, EM - Ensemble Music, ME - Music Effect, VE - Visual Effect |
2003 "Chicago" (the band)
2002 "Medusa"
Mr. Shearer's first show
2001 "Zorro"
2000 "Channel One Suite"
1999 "NBC Chime Festival"
1998 "Batman"